Thursday, 3 July 2014

Time To Change

Time To Change is England's largest mental health anti-stigma and discrimination campaign. I am registered on a voluntary basis as a champion speaker. This week, I  joined 5 others and we represented thousands of champions from around the country in London at a key meeting of the entire organisation.

I composed a poem to start the day. It was written to reflect a little of my journey with my bipolar diagnosis and also to express my opinion on the campaign. I was asked by several people throughout the day if they could have a copy and so I have chosen to make it this week's blog.

Each champion made an invaluable contribution to the day, and the "selfie" campaign was led by James Shanks, the champion for London. An invitation was sent to all champions around the country to submit a photo with two reasons on why we are champions.

I crossed the shadowed line,
So hard to see or well define,
that divides the “us” and “them” with eager gladness.
In fear I bound my voice in shame
Silence conquered me and blame,
but all I ever found was my own madness.

I saw a mirror hidden there
And fell victim to the poisoned air -
I swore to keep my fractured pain a thing unspoken
In this mirror, I thought I saw
everything I was and more
the good, the bad, the ugly and the broken.

And strange but true , I cursed myself
I set my freedom on the shelf
but reached for it with hands of crippled doubt...
But - bound in boundless mirrored rings -
I found insanity can give you wings ....
I broke the twisted mirror and walked out.

I took my liberty off the shelf
As a gift I give myself,
I am vulnerable and proud that all may see.
The river calmly leaves the damn,
The Lion lies down with the lamb,
And I walk the world at peace with what may be.

A time can change as all things must
Ages pass in holy dust,
And changes must be made where there is strife
So we each and every one
See a thing which must be done
And we work in common cause to give it life.

The time is here.
The change is clear.
An ear will bend to hear the voice of youth
A mind will turn to change,
And arms embrace what once seemed strange..
And hearts will always heed the call of truth.

(C) Miranda de Barra 2014

1 comment:

  1. Nice poem. They picked a great speaker. You express yourself very well. I seem to find it easier to do in video, but in a way they are therapeutic for me rather than as a means of expressing myself to others
